My experience over the past three decades as a clinician, medical teacher, and examiner at all levels of Surgery has shown that our medical students and surgical residents need to have more basic information as regards common clinical conditions in General Surgery. This is evident when you take them on teaching ward rounds. The 'sea' (medical facilities) is getting shallower. This situation therefore calls for a handy compass (book) to ease navigation through this peculiar sea. This book is written to act as a handy compass as the young trainee navigates through the 'surgical sea'. We have a cliché in Medicine; "Common things occur commonly". This book, to all intents and purposes, is not a comprehensive textbook of Surgery. It is, however, aimed at highlighting the core topics in General Surgery. As we all know. General Surgery remains the mother of all surgical disciplines and has been accorded a pride of place in both the undergraduate and postgraduate training and examinations in Surgery. If the knowledge derived from reading this book is able to tide the trainee over the hurdle of surgical examinations and more importantly prepare him adequately for clinical practice (fortunately or unfortunately one has to pass the examinations before one is licenced to practice either as a medical doctor or as a surgical specialist!), then I can beat my chest and with a loud voice exclaim: "Hurray!! Glory be to God for this modest contribution to medical training. This game is worth the candle after all"
Chibundu Emmanuel Ohanaka (January, 2018) VII